Rinpoche – Behind the Scenes  活佛背后的故事

The Rain-stopper 这才叫“呼风唤雨”!

by on Oct.18, 2010, under Tsem Tulku Rinpoche


Few years ago, I think in 2005, Tsem Tulku Rinpoche and a few of us went to Kathmandu, Nepal to source for Buddha statues for our outlets in Malaysia, it was around July and it was a rainy season in Nepal, so it rained almost daily during the daytime and it made the shopping trip somewhat troublesome, because the statue shops in Nepal are mostly in Boudanath and it was not a covered shopping mall, you have to go from shop to shop in the rain. We were staying in Hyatt Regency Kathmandu then and it was raining quite heavily as we were waiting at the lobby for the taxis to bring us to Boudanath, Rinpoche commented that it was another tiresome rainy day, and he said to us “You guys wait here, I am going to talk to my friends”, then Rinpoche left the seat, walked towards the hotel entrance, and started staring at the gloomy sky while mumbling something. The few of us looked at each other, and all turned to stared at Rinpoche, this lasted for about 5 minutes, then Rinpoche walked back to us and said “It’s ok now, I just talked to them and they are OK with it, we can leave soon.” True enough, in about 5 minutes, the downpour turned into drizzle, and we hopped into the taxis, by the time the taxis were speeding along the bustling streets of Kathmandu, the rain stopped completely.

几年前,大概是在2005年的7月,我们一行人和詹杜固仁波切去了尼泊尔的加德满都,为克切拉的文物店采购佛像,当时正值尼泊尔的雨季,差不多每天白天都在下雨,很是郁闷,因为加德满都的佛像店大多聚集在Boudanath大佛塔周边,不像我们的有盖空调购物中心,从此店走到彼店,肯定会淋到雨。话说有一天中午,仁波切和我们在加德满都Hyatt Regency酒店的大厅等候前往Boudanath大佛塔的士,正望着滂沱大雨发愁,仁波切突然对我们说 “你们在这儿坐着稍等一会儿,我去和我的朋友们谈一谈。” 说完便起身走向酒店门口望着乌云密布的天空开始喃喃自语,我们一行人你看我我看你,面面相觑,然后转身面对着远处的仁波切发愣。。。大概过了5…分钟,仁波切便走回来对我们说 “行了,我刚和他们谈过,他们说没问题。我们就快可以走了。” 果真在5分钟以内,滂沱大雨就转为绵绵细雨,当时车也到了,我们一行人便跳上车,当车子在繁忙的加德满都街上穿梭时,车轮压过,路上水飞溅,但已经是雨过天晴了。。。

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