Rinpoche – Behind the Scenes  活佛背后的故事

Archive for October, 2010

How would you live your life, if you have this kind of look?

by on Oct.21, 2010, under Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

There is a Chinese saying “A low practitioner does retreat in the forest, a high practitioner does retreat in the cities”. A practitioner who moves away from the cities to do practice in the quiet and remote forest is only a low level practitioner; a high practitioner can do his practice amidst all the physical pollution and human complications of a city, he excels in that kind of environment, like a peacock who thrives on eating poisonous plants, He, is the REAL MASTER. 


This is a picture of Tsem Tulku Rinpoche when he was a model a few years ago, with his kind of look and a 6 ft 2 body, many current Asian superstars will pale in comparison. If you have his kind of look, what would you do? Try all means to maintain it hopefully till eternity? When Rinpoche was a model, he was so stunning that he made heads turn when walking down the streets, and he get suggestive signals implicitly and explicitly all the time, and he was always surrounded by handsome guys and beautiful women flirting to get his attention, but Rinpoche was never affected even minutely by all these seductions, it showed you the level of his mind which is very stable, strong and focused, any ordinary person would have fallen easily and miserably long time ago. 

Back then, Tsem Tulku Rinpoche had to temporarily put away his monk robes to become a model due to unusual circumstances (Rinpoche was never disrobed, the details will be told in his upcoming biography), and after 2-3 years when the time was right again, Rinpoche left the modelling scene and wore his monk robes again without any attachment to the look that he used to have, and he let his body “develop naturally”. If you think that is because Rinpoche is aging and age affected his body therefore he has no choice but to give up his gorgeous body and look, you are wrong,  take a look at the picture below, Rinpoche’s look and weight 12 years ago in 1998 was almost the same as he is now, Rinpoche is in FULL CONTROL of his look and physical body. 


Tsem Tulku Rinpoche can control his appearance and look according to his own will, he is completely not attached to his appearance, and he is not bothered by how others view and judge him even a tiny bit. On the contrary, some of us would spend a fortune on slimming programmes and do plastic surgery, and if we hear a word of criticism from others about our appearance, we would sink into depression and even become suicidal. What causes Anorexia? It is a mental obsession and paranoia about our own body and the way people look at us that develop into an illness. 

Today, Tsem Tulku Rinpoche does not have the look and body that he had before, but the number of disciples and followers around him grow even more than before. Rinpoche uses his own body to teach us a lesson, that you may lose your look and appearance, and you may not be physically attractive anymore like you used to be, but if you have a sincere heart, you are kind, and you develop compassion, you can still be attractive to people. The people around you, not only they will not leave you because you have lost “the look”, but they will flock to you because of your virtues and inner qualities that you develop. 

Tsem Tulku Rinpoche with his own physical body teaches us the kind of life we can live ourselves that is the most beautiful, and fulfilling.

“An ordinary man makes his own trap and create his own suffering; a Saint roams the samsaric world however he likes with total freedom.”  

  (Please forward this to you friends after reading it)



Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s Personal Blog: http://blog.tsemtulku.com
Tsem Tulku Ripoche’s Website: http://www.tsemtulku.com
Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s Dharma Organization (Kechara)’s Website: http://www.kechara.com

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by on Oct.20, 2010, under Tsem Tulku Rinpoche










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Rinpoche the Teaser

by on Oct.19, 2010, under Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

Tsem Tulku Rinpoche likes to tease his students, especially at the most vulnerable times – when you are carrying an offering bowl filled to the brim from the altar to the sink, or you are holding up a picture with both your hands up to hang onto the wall, or you are squeezing into the tight space under the bed to retrieve something, Rinpoche would suddenly spring into action (sometimes even from his “sleep”) and start tickling you, inserting his index finger into your ear, or pinching the tiny bit of skin at some of the most sensitive parts of your body, you wanted to scream and twitch your body to push off his invading finger, but Rinpoche would tell you “Stay still, mind over matter, mind over matter…” and that made you want to scream more, and just drop the bowl or just fling the picture frame right out of the window, but you can’t. Then you realized that it is not that Rinpoche wanted to tease you because he was bored, he is teaching you if you can’t even stand the pinch on 0.1 square inch of you skin, what about these burning monks (a few incidents caught on videos) who stayed in absolute calmness and composure? Then you believe that “Mind over Matter”, however much it seems ridiculous to you in the beginning, is actually achievable…Watch these amazing videos:



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The Rain-stopper 这才叫“呼风唤雨”!

by on Oct.18, 2010, under Tsem Tulku Rinpoche


Few years ago, I think in 2005, Tsem Tulku Rinpoche and a few of us went to Kathmandu, Nepal to source for Buddha statues for our outlets in Malaysia, it was around July and it was a rainy season in Nepal, so it rained almost daily during the daytime and it made the shopping trip somewhat troublesome, because the statue shops in Nepal are mostly in Boudanath and it was not a covered shopping mall, you have to go from shop to shop in the rain. We were staying in Hyatt Regency Kathmandu then and it was raining quite heavily as we were waiting at the lobby for the taxis to bring us to Boudanath, Rinpoche commented that it was another tiresome rainy day, and he said to us “You guys wait here, I am going to talk to my friends”, then Rinpoche left the seat, walked towards the hotel entrance, and started staring at the gloomy sky while mumbling something. The few of us looked at each other, and all turned to stared at Rinpoche, this lasted for about 5 minutes, then Rinpoche walked back to us and said “It’s ok now, I just talked to them and they are OK with it, we can leave soon.” True enough, in about 5 minutes, the downpour turned into drizzle, and we hopped into the taxis, by the time the taxis were speeding along the bustling streets of Kathmandu, the rain stopped completely.

几年前,大概是在2005年的7月,我们一行人和詹杜固仁波切去了尼泊尔的加德满都,为克切拉的文物店采购佛像,当时正值尼泊尔的雨季,差不多每天白天都在下雨,很是郁闷,因为加德满都的佛像店大多聚集在Boudanath大佛塔周边,不像我们的有盖空调购物中心,从此店走到彼店,肯定会淋到雨。话说有一天中午,仁波切和我们在加德满都Hyatt Regency酒店的大厅等候前往Boudanath大佛塔的士,正望着滂沱大雨发愁,仁波切突然对我们说 “你们在这儿坐着稍等一会儿,我去和我的朋友们谈一谈。” 说完便起身走向酒店门口望着乌云密布的天空开始喃喃自语,我们一行人你看我我看你,面面相觑,然后转身面对着远处的仁波切发愣。。。大概过了5…分钟,仁波切便走回来对我们说 “行了,我刚和他们谈过,他们说没问题。我们就快可以走了。” 果真在5分钟以内,滂沱大雨就转为绵绵细雨,当时车也到了,我们一行人便跳上车,当车子在繁忙的加德满都街上穿梭时,车轮压过,路上水飞溅,但已经是雨过天晴了。。。

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My husband told me “I’m in Love!”…

by on Oct.14, 2010, under Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

What if your husband tell you one day “I’m in Love!!” and he is not talking about you??

如果有一天你的丈夫突然兴奋地告诉你 “我恋爱了!”而他指的却不是你,你会怎么做??

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Rinpoche and Homeless

by on Oct.09, 2010, under Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

On one late night in July 2010, Rinpoche and a few of us were driving around Bangsar, KL, and Rinpoche spotted a lady with arm bandage sleeping on the pavement near Macdonalds, Rinpoche was very concerned and asked monlam to check out her condition, Rinpoche bought some food and water and unbrella from 7-eleven to give to this lady. Rinpoche also asked me to call Justin Cheah, Kechara Soup Kitchen’s Project Director to come and take a look. It was already 2am at night but Justin came right away upon calling, Kechara Soup Kitchen people always respond to calls of emergency anytime. After doing the initial investigation, Justin subsequently arranged to place this lady in a Homecare Service, read the full story in the link below. Another homeless person off the streets…

2010年7月的某一个晚上,仁波切和我们几个人开车经过吉隆坡孟沙时,仁波切看到一位无家可归的女士留宿孟沙街头,于是便买了干粮,水和雨伞给她,并通知克切拉香积橱的项目负责人Justin Cheah, 当时已经是凌晨2点多了,但Justin还是赶来了解状况。几天之后,Justin安排该的女士住进了吉隆坡的一所福利中心,让她从此告别了流落街头的日子。




Read full story here: http://www.kechara.com/soup-kitchen/sos/success-stories/helping-two-at-once/

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Excellent Spiritual Dialogue between Renowned Spiritual Healer Anne Jones & His Eminence Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

by on Oct.07, 2010, under Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

著名英国能量治疗师Anne Jones 与詹杜固仁波切的心灵对话,精彩!

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Tsem Rinpoche Called Squad to Round Up Street Dogs!

by on Oct.04, 2010, under Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

2008年在尼泊尔的某一个冬天晚上,仁波切在加德满都街上看到几只身上长满狗癣的野狗,便马上打电话叫人来捉!说到捉野狗,通常我们会想到它们的最终命运是被人道毁灭,但事实恰好相反,你可能很难想像到在贫穷落后的尼泊尔国家,竟然还有人会把街上的野狗捉来给于治疗,使它们重获新生!这个团体就是加德满都动物治疗中心 Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre (KAT)。仁波切有一天无意中在加德满都的一间餐馆的布告板上看到关于KAT的消息,就打算前往参观。参观之后仁波切对KAT的动物福利事业很是赞赏,便捐助了KAT的日常用品、动物药物、狗用品、KAT的招牌等等。

On one cold winter night in Kathmandu in 2008, Tsem Rinpoche saw a few street dogs with serious mange on their bodies, so Rinpoche immediately called people to round them up! Most of the time the street dogs (in most countries) will be rounded up and put to sleep (mercy killing), but in a poor city like Kathmandu, you will be surprised to know that there is actually a team of people whose job is to round up street dogs, give them treatment/medicine, heal them and give them a new life! This inspiring team is the Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre (KAT).

The team from KAT arrived not long after Tsem Rinpoche called them after spotting a few street dogs with serious mange

It was not easy to catch the dogs in the dark!



The animal ambulance of KAT 


Putting in the dogs  

“Where are they taking me to?”   

Street dogs with serious mange 


Treating sick dogs in KAT 

Success story! And Many more!

Tsem Rinpoche and Kechara House sponsored some of the treament kennels



Tsem Rinpoche visiting KAT to understand the operation  

This dog was undergoing treatment after being hit by a car


Tsem Rinpoche talking with the person-in-charge of KAT, Jan

Rinpoche loves dogs!


Tsem Rinpoche donating cleaning materials, utensils, dog bowls, dog food, dog medicine etc. to KAT


Tsem Rinpoche sponsored the new signboard of KAT so that it is more prominent and more people will notice it 





 Watch video of Tsem Rinpoche visiting KAT! 

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Rinpoche the Sleeping Mahasiddha

by on Oct.03, 2010, under Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

When Tsem Rinpoche first came to Malaysia, Rinpoche once stayed in a student’s house whose son at that time was studying to become a lawyer, they became very good friends and Rinpoche shared a lot of Dharma knowledge with this person, and today this person is a very successful lawyer in town, and he recounted the incident that when he went to his bar exam that time, Rinpoche out of the blue slept on his bed, and when the exam result was out, he came out as one of the top 5 nationwide despite not studying much for the exam (There was no reason for Rinpoche to sleep on other’s bed, Rinpoche had his own Lama room and bed). This lawyer said it was a miracle and something he will not forget, ad will always be grateful to Tsem Rinpoche.

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Jhuplal the Nepalese Guard

by on Oct.01, 2010, under Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

This is Mr Jhuplal, he is a guard in Tsem Ladrang (Tsem Rinpoche’s household) for almost a year, previously he was a guard somewhere else in Malaysia for 4 years. Today is his last day working in Tsem Ladrang as he will be going back to Nepal to do something else and to take care of his family. He said he has worked in many places and Tsem Ladrang is the first place he feels nice to stay, because Rinpoche and eveyone in ladrang are so kind to him and not treating him as just a foreign worker. Before he left today, Rinpoche presented him RM 500, Vajrayogini book, Vajrayogini pendant, Vajrayogini framed picture, Setrap pocket picture, mala (prayer beads) and DVD, Mr Jhuplal is very grateful and happy.

This is how Tsem Rinpoche treats everybody and every sentient beings, with loving kindness irregardless of their backgrounds.

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