Rinpoche – Behind the Scenes  活佛背后的故事

Archive for July, 2011

The Best Guru Award goes to…

by on Jul.22, 2011, under Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

His Eminence Tsem Tulku Rinpoche!!!

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Rinpoche saved Fat Monk’s mother!

by on Jul.03, 2011, under Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

Year 2005, Tsem Rinpoche, Fat Monk and Wan

Year 2010, Fat Monk’s mom in hospital

Year 2010, Fat Monk and mom in hospital

Year 2010, Fat Monk’s mom in hospital

Year 2011, Fat Monk and family with Tsem Tulku Rinpoche


This is Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s long-time student Kok Thai or more fondly known as Fat Monk.

Around February last year, Fat Monk’s mother was diagnosed with a cancerous tumour in the liver, when the doctor detected it, it was already 2-inch (5cm) in size. The doctor could not operated on the tumour because it grew in the middle of the liver, and there was hardening of the liver, and the dotor said Fat Monk’s mother had only 3 months to live.

Fat Monk was very worried and consulted Tsem Rinpoche, Rinpoche asked the mother to do at least one mala of Om Mani Padme Hung a day, and asked Fat Monk to work even harder in Dharma work to dedicate the merits to his mother. Rinpoche also asked Fat Monk to do a series of pujas for her.

After a few last attempts of tumour ablation and chemo-therapy which the doctors could not guarantee success, miraculously the tumour was reduced over the months, and in May 2011, the doctors pronounced that the tumour cancer cell is not active anymore, and even the doctors were pleasantly surprised by this result, Fat Monk’s mother is completely healed from being given just 3 months to live!

The pictures here show Tsem Rinpoche with Fat Monk and his wife Wan, who is also a Kechara liaison, Fat Monk’s mother in hospital, and the last photo is Fat Monk and Wan’s whole family taken last wek at Kechara House after having an audience with Tsem Rinpoche. The family couldn’t thank Rinpoche enough for saving the mother’s life!


这是詹杜固仁波切的多年弟子国泰,每个人都叫他Fat Monk(胖僧),那是仁波切给他的绰号。在去年春节期间,Fat Monk的妈妈被诊断出肝长了癌性肿瘤,当医生发现时,肿瘤已经有2寸(5cm)大。由于肿瘤长在肝中间,而且她又有肝硬化,所以医生不能开刀切除肿瘤。当时医生还说她只有3个月的寿命!

Fat Monk很是担心,于是便向詹杜固仁波切求救。仁波切吩咐Fat Monk的妈妈每天做至少一串的 Om Mani Padme Hung 咒语,并劝告Fat Monk 更努力的做佛法事业,以便回向功德给他的妈妈。仁波切还指示Fat Monk为妈妈做一系列的法会。

接下来的几个月,医生为Fat Monk的妈妈进行了最后的治疗尝试,包括射频消融治疗和化疗,医生也没抱太大的希望,但在接下来的几个月,肿瘤却奇迹般的缩小。在2011 年的5月,医生宣布癌细胞已经不再活跃了,这件事连医生们也觉得不可思议,因为当初病人被诊断只剩下3个月的寿命!

照片里的是仁波切,Fat Monk和他的太太Wan,Wan也是詹杜固仁波切的协调助理之一。接着的照片是Fat Monk和妈妈在医院里,还有Fat Monk和Wan全家人和妈妈在上星期会见仁波切时摄的全家福。Fat Monk一家人对仁波切的救命之恩感激不尽!

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